Sunday 13 March 2011

Birth of wings

Hai I am the wings of the vino...............

Now I am going to say about vino....

I used to be exited at most of the time ............. with his activities and about his friends... he does as what his heart says.....
He uses to help his friends and at the time he used to succeed on his goal......
Like to be as free birds..... He can’t be controlled by any one ......other then Child's............
The only thing in his heart was the child’s are the future empires of the world....... they need to be in a peace full nation...............

At the time of journey ..... His own Ideas gave birth me(wings) the he started flying in the galaxy....... and made lot of changes ......... 

1 comment:

  1. Started putting mokkai's in blogs too oh god save this world form him..........
